Training Car Fire Blanket
Product Information
- Training fire blankets designed for use on cars
- Fire blankets for dry training only, not for use on fire
Training Car fire blanket
± 19.8 x 26 ft
± 57.3 lb
How to use:
- Place the fire blanket on the ground. Center it in front of or behind the car and roll it out.
- Two people should grab each their handle and safely pull the fire blanket over the car in one continuous movement.
- Make sure the fire blanket is tight all the way to the ground and leave it on.
Training Forklift Fire Blanket
Product Information
- Training fire blankets designed for pallet truck and forklift
- Fire blankets for dry training only, not for use on fire
Training Forklift fire blanket:
± 23 x 23 ft
± 61.7 lb
How to use:
- Place the fire blanket on the ground in front or behind the forklift and roll it out.
- Two people should grab each their handle and safely pull the fire blanket over the forklift in one continuous movement.
- On forklifts with a tall mast, cover the cabin not the mast.
- Make sure the fire blanket is tight all the way to the ground.